what leads to a damaged self-image and an increase in antisocial behaviors?


Background. Throughout the ontogenic development period and life journeying, anybody faces numerous threats and challenges. Certain of these challenges are beyond the individual'due south command and are caused by social and environmental factors, merely others, conversely, are provoked by the individual'south own lifestyle and mental and/or physical wellness condition. This newspaper considers how the social adaptation of children with intellectual developmental disorders affects the development of various forms of socially dangerous beliefs.

Objective. The principal goal of the study described in the article is to place and analyze the potential risk factors related to antisocial behavior amongst teenagers with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) based on a survey of teachers in special (correctional) schools.

The methodological basis of our research uses the provisions of Lev Vygotsky's theory of socialization among children with intellectual disabilities. This article shows the importance of implementing Lev Vygotsky's doctrine of correction and compensation of disturbed psychological, emotional and social development of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities.

Blueprint. To achieve this purpose, the following methods were used: interviews, questionnaires, and factor analysis. In the first stage of the study, interviews were conducted with teachers working in special (correctional) schools (teachers, child and youth counselors, school psychologists, developmental pediatricians) — of 108 teachers from 10 schools. Analysis of the interviews revealed a list of risk factors related to antisocial beliefs amid teenagers with intellectual disabilities (only 35 points). The nerveless data formed the basis for a questionnaire, "Social Safety for Children with Intellectual Disabilities". In the second stage, 83 teachers working in the special (correctional) schools were surveyed. The survey was completed past teachers of children (12-13 years one-time) who had a diagnosis of F70 (Balmy mental retardation) or F71 (Moderate mental retardation). To determine the significance of risk factors, the respondents were asked to assess children's exposure to take chances factors on a 5-point scale. In the third stage, the results of the risk factor assessment conducted in relation to socially dangerous behavior of adolescents with intellectual disabilities were processed using the factor assay.

Results. From the gene assay of the data nerveless, as well as an analysis of the relevant theoretical and methodological materials, the post-obit hazard factors (with load factors) of socially dangerous behavior among teenagers with intellectual disabilities were identified: antisocial behavior (violation of generally accepted societal norms) (48.7 %); asociality (the lack of motivation to engage in social interaction) (7.96 %); infantilism (5.9 %); social mistrust in the world (4.86 %); propensity for victimizing behavior (4.18 %); virtual addiction (iii.98 %); and high self-concept discrepancies (3.14 %).

Conclusions. The results of our research may exist used to prevent antisocial behavior in teenagers with intellectual disabilities through the implementation of psychological and pedagogical follow-up programs aimed at preventing hating and asocial behavior, overcoming infantilism and victimization, forming adequate cocky-esteem, and forming personality-trusting relationships with significant adults and peers.


Recently, a key chemical element of public policy in many countries has been social policy relating to disabled people. Amidst other things, a primary focus is on providing equal opportunities for a healthy and safe life for everyone, including disabled people and people with health conditions. Social institutions face up the claiming of creating the specific conditions that ensure access to health improvement, rehabilitation, social adaptation, education and employment for disabled people and people with health weather. Achieving this objective should exist the main goal of institutions of teaching, culture, sports and health intendance.

One of the most numerous groups of children with health conditions (or special educational needs) includes children with intellectual developmental disorders: children with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) and children with developmental filibuster. According to different estimates, the number of children with intellectual development disorders has risen dramatically in recent years, ranging between 5% and 10% of the total child population. In persons with intellectual disabilities, the central nervous system cannot ensure the foundation required for the development of personality just instead creates obstacles that restrict the child's agreement of and witting attention toward reality, which is the most important prerequisite for the social and psychological rubber and welfare of the child. Deficits in general intellectual functioning that adversely bear on the social relations of a child with a mental development disorder hinder the child'due south cerebral development and social integration and adaptation (Ainsworth, 2004; Harvey, 2006; Santo & Buono, 2006; Shmeleva, Pravdov, Kislyakov, & Kornev 2016; Speck, 1999). Vygotsky's (1983) suggestion that nosotros consider the problem of intellectual disability in children as non only a psychological and pedagogical problem simply also a social 1 remains relevant today.

Having left schoolhouse (typically a special education school), an individual with intellectual evolution disorder should go a member of guild and exist ready to live in social environment that is not e'er supportive simply sometimes insecure. Many years of experience in special (cosmetic) education shows that when given proper education, training and relevant preparation for future labor activities, the overwhelming majority of intellectually disabled children are, by the age of 15 to xx, able to adapt socially to such an extent that they are about indistinguishable in everyday life from typically developing individuals (Speck, 1999; Vygotsky, 1983). Notwithstanding, to date, insufficient consideration has been given to ensuring appropriate conditions for the formation of psychological preparedness of intellectually disabled children for overcoming their social communication difficulties, which significantly complicates their further social adaptation and integration.

Throughout the ontogenic development period and life journey, anybody faces numerous threats and challenges. Sure of these challenges are beyond the individuals control and are caused by social and environmental factors, but others, conversely, are provoked by the individuals own lifestyle and mental and/or concrete health condition. Any deviations in the development of a child's personality involve existent and potential risk factors that touch on his/her physical and psychosocial security and cause socialization problems. This phenomenon is observed because the evolution of a child suffering from intellectual inability occurs in such a way that the kid's natural psychical functions — due east.g., sensibility, emotional reactivity, and retentivity — do non transform into sophisticated cultural "mechanisms" of reality reflection (Vygotsky, 1983). A intellectually disabled child's becoming acquainted with diverse objects and phenomena in the world around him/her occurs rather superficially and fragmentally, sometimes with distorted perception. For this reason, it is difficult for such a kid to follow the rules of safe behave in various spheres of life and to adequately assess social situations involving run a risk. Children with intellectual disabilities have specific disorders of their mental development: underdevelopment of cognitive processes, unstructured thinking, semantic and associative memory disorders, speech underdevelopment, a lack of attending, disorders in emotional and volitional sphere, also equally behavior disorders. Accordingly, information technology is difficult for such a child to empathize life situations and to behave safely (Davydova, 2009; Fatikhova & Sayfutdiyarova, 2016; Katzl & Singh, 1986). The fragility of the child's psychological defense mechanisms degrades his/her adaptive capabilities (Kolosova, 2007). A intellectually disabled child's disorientation in the surrounding world can lead to unsafe beliefs (due east.g., victimizing, addictive, delinquent, aggressive beliefs, risky beliefs). Vygotsky (1983) noted that certain social changes in personality development occur synchronously with corresponding biological shifts. Therefore, if the weather conducive to the comprehensive development of the child are not established — for example, if certain personal qualities are not intentionally developed and patterns of prophylactic, defensive and coping behavior are not formed — the child's life is unlikely to be successful (Epstein, 1992; Kolosova, 2007; Nakano, 1991). A multi-aspect approach to security considers security to be a condition that enables the central securitization of personality. This approach therefore makes it possible to consider the status of personality security a social and normative ideal (Zinchenko, 2011b).

Children with intellectual disabilities, similar to typically developing children, experience the crisis of adolescence and puberty changes. One of the virtually mutual characteristics of the period of adolescence is emotional instability. Equally Vygotsky (1984) wrote, a teenagers personality structure has nothing stable, completed or rigid. Such emotional instability manifests primarily as mood swings and floating impact (i.e., the emotional ability associated with puberty and the age-related physical changes that adolescents undergo). This personal instability gives ascent to conflicting desires and conflicting actions. The teenage years are characterized by moral instability. Teenagers demand close friends and seek relational tribes amongst their peers. These tribes often dictate much of the teens discretionary time. Following his/her peers' style of viewing and interacting with the surrounding world, a teenager frequently becomes a conformist. Sometimes, under the influence of their friends or tribes, teenagers do things that they would not otherwise do and may sincerely regret their actions later. Furthermore, the teenage years are characterized by instability of self-esteem (Davey, Eaker, & Walters, 2003). Both teenagers behavior and their self-consciousness are highly dependent on external influences (De Man & Gutierrez, 2002). Anna Freud (1936) wrote about the time of adolescence: adolescents are excessively egoistic, regarding themselves equally the heart of the universe and the sole object of interest; however, at no time in subsequently life are they capable of the degree of self-cede and devotion they prove in boyhood.

Adolescence is ofttimes called a protracted crisis characterized past the manifestation of severe social bug in behavior, such every bit running away from home; schoolhouse failures and dropouts; violations of schoolhouse rules and rules of comport in public places; alcohol, drug and tobacco employ; theft, suicidal behavior; and sexual deviations (Davey et al., 2003; Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 1994). In add-on, all too often, adolescents commit gang crimes.

Post-obit Zinchenko (2011a), we utilize the cultural-historical psychology of Vygotsky as a general methodological footing for the analysis of problems of human being security. The child perceives his/her prophylactic or vulnerability in an environment (and in a particular state of affairs). Vygotsky (1983) described the 'social state of affairs of development" as the relationship existing between a child and its social surroundings. According to Vygotsky (1983), social environment are a source of development. The social situation of development (east.g., cultural and historical) influences the formation of the individual characteristics that contribute to the development of an hating versus pro-social personality (Zinchenko, 2011b). The modern social environment is increasingly characterized every bit a "risky society" (in the words of Ulrich Beck). The primary local social risks that negatively impact the development of educated and healthy children are social risks in the educational surroundings (dehumanization and an increase in violence, intensification of the educational process, pedagogical tactics that create stress in students); factors caused by students' staying in a socially risky group (informal youth groups, destructive religious organizations); and negative behavioral characteristics of young people (deviant, addictive, victim-like, antisocial) (Kislyakov, Shmeleva, & Silaeva, 2017; Shmeleva, Kislyakov, Luneva, & Maltseva, 2015).

Because students increasingly spend more fourth dimension in school than in their family surround, information technology is difficult to overestimate the degree of influence of the school "microcosm44 on the social integration, evolution, health and behavior of a child or teenager. The characteristics of the educational institution can be considered environmental factors that determine the psychosocial prosperity (security) of students (Baeva & Bordovskaia, 2015; Kislyakov, Shmeleva, Belyakova, & Romanova, 2016; Noddings, 2003; Suldo, Shaffer, & Riley, 2008).

Vygotsky (1983) stated that an individuals social surroundings (primarily the educational environment) could contribute to complex types of psychic activity, "psychological functions," in children with intellectual disabilities. The educational environment should contribute to the development of adaptive behavior of children. Adaptive beliefs includes the age-appropriate behaviors necessary for people to live independently and to function safely and appropriately in daily life. The organization of social and psychological security of children with intellectual disabilities must address several related areas. The first is to create a safe social environment. The 2nd is to teach safety rules and life skills. The 3rd is to mitigate risk factors related to hating beliefs.


To identify the run a risk factors related to dangerous behavior in adolescents with intellectual disabilities, we consulted educators (teachers, kid and youth counsellors, schoolhouse psychologists, and developmental pediatricians) in the Ivanovo region and in the city of Moscow. The study involved three stages: interviews with teachers, questionnaires given to teachers, and factor analysis of the hazard factors identified in the first two stages.

In the first stage of the study, interviews were conducted with 108 educators working in x dissimilar special (correctional) schools. Processing the interviews revealed a listing of take chances factors related to antisocial behavior amongst teenagers with intellectual disabilities (35 items). The collected data formed the basis for a questionnaire "Social Safety for Children with Intellectual Disabilities." When designing the questionnaire, we intended to collect information on take a chance factors related to socially unsafe behavior of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities affecting both the schoolchildren themselves and their peers (that is, behavior posing a danger to themselves and to others).

In the 2d phase, 83 teachers working in special (correctional) schools were given the questionnaire adult in the first phase. The questionnaire was completed past teachers of children (12-13 years old) who had a diagnosis of F70 (Mild mental retardation) or F71 (Moderate mental retardation). To define the significance of each risk cistron, the respondents were asked to assess how likely students were to feel each risk on a v-indicate calibration from one (pupil is unlikely to experience this risk) to, 5 (very likely to experience this hazard).

In the third stage, a factor assay was conducted on the results of the questionnaire to determine disquisitional risk factors related to socially unsafe behavior in adolescents with intellectual disabilities.


The results of the survey showed that all of the risk factors were somewhat likely to exist experienced by youngsters. Effigy i shows an analysis of the results of the survey of teachers (arithmetic mean scores).

Assessment of risk factors related to dangerous behavior in adolescents

Effigy 1. Cess of chance factors related to dangerous behavior in adolescents with intellectual disabilities according to the results of a survey of educators. The average likelihood of experiencing each risk factor is represented on a calibration from 1 (does not correspond completely) to 5 (corresponds completely).

The leading adventure factors identified are noted beneath:

  • low threat sensitivity (disability to identify potentially unsafe situations);

  • propensity for virtual addiction (computer and Internet addiction, video game habit, gadget addiction);

  • involuntary emotional displays of mood (destructiveness);
  • inability to accept responsibleness;
  • poor/bereft willpower;
  • insufficient level of advice skills;
  • low capacity to feel empathy and compassion, or to render assistance;
  • inadequate self-esteem.

The results of the assessment of hazard factors related to socially unsafe beliefs in adolescents with intellectual disabilities were candy using a factor analysis (using Varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization) in the standardized software package SPSS 22. The contents and percentage of the risk factors are shown in Tabular array ane.

The cumulative percentage (which indicates the informativeness of all factors) constitutes 78.73 %, which is an acceptable outcome. This finding is an of import indication that the adventure factors in question can correspond this prepare of characteristics. The result shows the internal consistency of the factor structure and can be interpreted as a tool for the explanation of empirical regularities. When interpreting the factors, we only considered those with factor loadings exceeding 0.five.


The post-obit refers to the factors presented in Table i.

The first cistron is a factor of major importance. Information technology can be defined as socially dangerous (antisocial) behavior characterized by negativism toward by and large accustomed rules, a higher propensity for malversation, vandalism, and vagrancy, the employ of psychoactive substances, unreasonable hazard-taking along with negativistic beliefs and desire to hurt anyone or anything.

The second factor reflects asociality (social indifference) of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Asociality comprises their lack of motivation to engage in social interaction and to avoid failure, low capacity to feel empathy and compassion, unwillingness to return assistance, a lack of tolerant attitudes, and poor communication skills. Failure to communicate effectively oft leads to disharmonize with adults (for instance, with teachers). Such teenagers as well have disturbances in social perception (identification, empathy) and are therefore not very sensitive to threats coming from other people.

The third factor reveals infantilism of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, that is, their social immaturity, characterized by retardation in their personality development. The primary factors influencing the formation of infantilism in adolescents with intellectual disabilities are a lack of cerebral interests or a steady turn down in cognitive abilities and a lack of initiative, necessary social skills and independence. Their communication skills are developed insufficiently, mental action is disturbed (leading to impulsivity, emotional instability, affectability), moral and social maturation is retarded; they place a priority on the satisfaction of their ain needs for entertainment and enjoyment. Such infantilism is indicative of a dependent and subservient personality. A teenager with intellectual disability becomes unexacting, often gullible and credulous, amenable to persuasion by disciplinarian personalities, which can lead to the individual existence induced to commit criminal offences (e.thou., theft and extortion).

Tabular array 1. Structure of risk factors related to dangerous behavior in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (co-ordinate to the results of the survey of educators)


48.vii Refusal to comply with by and large accepted rules and to prefer universal values (0.849)
Addiction to alcohol, drugs and tobacco (0.837)
Propensity for delinquency (due east.thou., the , extortion) (0.714)
A high caste of aggressiveness (0.674)
Propensity for kleptomania (0.673)
Propensity for vagrancy (0.629)
Inability to handle stress (0.588)
Negativistic behavior (0.500)
Propensity for vandalism (0.533)
Propensity for self-injurious and risk-taking behavior (thrill-seeking, east.m., parkour, train sur ng) (0.532)
Socially dangerous (antisocial) behavior


seven.96 Low capacity to feel empathy and compassion (0.772)
Lack of motivation for failure abstention (0.762)
Inability to identify potentially dangerous situations (0.749)
Lack of tolerant attitudes (0.748)
Insu cient level of communication skills (0.602) Proneness to con ict in relationships with teachers (0.596)
Asociality (social indifference)


5.9 Lack of command over emotions (0.777)
Higher suggestibility (0.724)
Propensity for delinquency (the , extortion, etc.) (0.694)
Infantile attitudes (0.565)



Hard feelings (malice toward and envy of others) (0.775)
Anxiety and suspiciousness (ranging from mistrust and prudence in relation to other people to conviction that other people always try to do harm) (0.690)
Weakness of efforts of volition (0.643)
Inability to have responsibleness (0.642)
Propensity for psychological violence (bullying) (0.568)
Verbal aggression (0.552)
Low level of social adaptation (aligning) (0.523)

Social mistrust in the earth



Conflicts in relationships with parents (0.625)
Propensity for victimizing behavior (0.607)

Victimizing beliefs



Propensity for virtual addiction (0.796)
Conflicts in relationships with peers (0.508)

Virtual addiction



Inadequate cocky-esteem (0.842)
Higher level of social exclusion (0.592)
Inadequate self-esteem

The fourth factor represents a personality trait of a teenager with intellectual inability that can be characterized as "social mistrust in the earth". Vygotsky (1983) emphasized the function of adults in the cognitive development of a child. Vygotsky observed that children develop and larn cognitive tasks simply through their interactions with older peers and adults, with melancholia reactions and speech playing the fundamental function. Trust in the world is a detail phenomenon that consists of the specific mental attitude of an individual toward various objects or fragments of the globe, which includes the individuals perception of standing relevance and a priori rubber of these objects or fragments of the earth for himself/herself (Simpson, 2007; Dontsov, Zinchenko, Zotova, & Perelygina, 2015). Bones mistrust, and so, is a full general sense of insecurity of the surrounding world. The want to avert any unwanted impacts of the social environment appears at early stages of ontogeny as a logical result of the bones trust with which a child is built-in (according to Erikson, 1963). If the crisis of "basic trust/mistrust" is non resolved in a timely and adequate manner, information technology can impact an private in the future, taking the form of social mistrust in himself/herself, in other people or in the world (Kjaernes, 2006). The nearly significant signs of mistrust are immorality, unreliability, destructiveness, membership in a hostile social group, susceptibility to conflict, impoliteness, and withdrawn behavior, which almost inevitably entail a lack of initiative or a sense of responsibility, as well as the occurrence of feelings of injury, frustration and suspiciousness. Such social mistrust in the globe can be followed past malice, fantasies nigh destruction and vandalism. A teenager s lack of trust can result in his/her social isolation, emotional withdrawal, and therefore result in poor willpower and a depression level of social adaptation. The adolescents who mistrust the world around them are non able to build trust-based relationships with other people, or to be flawed. Social mistrust in the world may be manifested in overt behavior via verbal aggression and bullying.

The fifth gene shows the propensity of adolescents with intellectual disabilities for victimizing behavior (that is, engaging in behavior of a potential "victim," provoking other peoples aggression confronting him/her). Intellectually disabled children accept extremely suggestible and less cautious personalities compared to their typically developing peers. According to the nomenclature suggested by Hans von Hentig (1979), adolescents with intellectual disabilities could exist included in the "The Young" and "The Mentally Lacking and Deranged" typology of offense victims, depending on their specific propensity for victimizing behavior.

The 6th factor shows the inclination of adolescents with intellectual disabilities to virtual addiction (video game addiction, gadget addiction) and their susceptibility to conflict and inability to build and maintain constructive relationships with their peers. Real life and so becomes a series of problems for many of these adolescents, and they endeavor to escape from reality by immersing themselves in the virtual globe of calculator games and social networks. This world enables a young gamer to feel "stiff," "self-confident," a "winner," and furthermore, it allows him/her to correct mistakes and failure as many times as he/she wants, removing the responsibleness for incorrect decisions and helping him/her disregard bug. A teenager's passion for computer games may be, in certain respects, a sign of personal troubles. Prevalently, video game habit is highly common in those teenagers who cannot successfully assert themselves in other activities (Gackenbach, 2006; Mazalin & Moore, 2004; Soldatova & Zotova, 2012). Adolescents with intellectual disabilities establish a detail risk group in this surface area. The virtual surround is perceived by children with intellectual disabilities through intellectual and emotional structures that are not only immature only besides defective, which leads to disorders of socialization and the occurrence of addictive behaviors (Minyakina, 2008).

The seventh factor reflects the inadequate cocky-esteem of adolescents with intellectual disabilities and their social isolation. In his research, Vygotsky (1983) noted that adolescents with intellectual disabilities take inflated self-appraisal and are rarely dissatisfied with themselves. Such overestimation of their own capacities results in overconfidence followed past inadequate apprehension of potential dangers and an inability to evaluate the reasonableness of their actions and to foresee the consequences thereof. Self-esteem allows children to regulate their ain behavior and to cocky-monitor in their social interaction. The level of self-esteem formation in boyhood is an important gene in the evolution of the communication skills of a person. Furthermore, self-esteem affects the interpretation of the results of both socialization and social accommodation every bit a whole (Webster & Sobieszek, 1974).


Numerous research works carried out in Russia and abroad back up Vygotsky's idea that the development of a child with intellectual disabilities requires particular guidance by adults (eastward.k., teachers, psychologists, special-needs experts). The risk factors described above must be taken into consideration when planning psychological and pedagogical support for the protection and social security of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The support must be aimed at preventing of antisocial and asocial beliefs, overcoming infantilism and victimization, helping the germination of an adequate self-esteem, and helping the germination of personality-trusting relationships with significant adults and peers. It is necessary to note the hierarchy of the significant risk factors related to antisocial behavior among teenagers with intellectual disabilities because every subsequent cistron, to a sure degree, depends on and is related to the previous ane. For instance, the prevention of antisocial and asocial behavior is not possible without overcoming infantilism and establishing personality-trusting relationships.

The successful solution to this challenge will only be possible if children live in a safe and protective surround. Whatever educational arrangement or social institution where formation of the child's personality occurs must create stable environment, use technologies that pose piddling or no risk to children and ensure their resilience to potential negative impacts of the social environment. An important component of the programme for the prevention of socially dangerous behavior in adolescence is protection from or mitigation of social or social-psychological threats. This component ensures that adolescents feel psychologically and socially safe and secure, encourages them to adapt to standards of appropriate beliefs that does non encroach on the freedom, dignity, or physical prophylactic of other people, stimulates their social activity and promotes the development of personality.


The publication was prepared within the framework of a research project supported past the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Inquiry (grant No. 16-36-01088 "Socio-psychological rubber of children with intellectual disabilities in a metropolis"). The author is grateful to Olga Silayeva, Vasiliy Feofanov, and Aleksey Udodov for assistance in the drove of empirical data.


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To cite this commodity: Kislyakov P. A. (2017). Gamble factors related to antisocial beliefs in teenagers with intellectual disabilities. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10(ii), 215-227.


Source: http://psychologyinrussia.com/volumes/index.php?article=6464

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